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There are a lot of strategies, including ketogenic, carnivore, and low-carb diets, and intermittent fasting, designed to “fix” insulin resistance. These strategies may help to balance our blood sugar, lose weight, and feel really good for a while.

What we don’t see are the small signs that this might not be healthy, such as sugar cravings, mood swings, fatigue, and very low appetite. The more time we spend in one of these protocols, the more and more these symptoms appear and the further we get from actually solving the root cause of insulin resistance.

When we work on some of the root causes of insulin resistance instead of using a band-aid solution, it’s something that you can sustain, gives clarity and peace of mind, it addresses all symptoms of insulin resistance (not just blood sugar), and you can finally start feeling your best.

If you want to start addressing your insulin resistance and symptoms at the root without having to resort to restrictive diets, you can download my short report below.